Check the health of your Prestashop Logo in 1 click!

You must type correct website URL
Prestascan design

The first performance

and safety scanner dedicated

for PrestaShop

PrestaScan instantly scans your PrestaShop site.

See your score and get details on what to improve for your store's performance and security.

PrestaScan is totally free and the results are immediate.

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PrestaShop shop tested

Mean of tested PrestaShop stores scanned by our tools is:

Mean score


The average overall score of all shops that used our scanner is 79/100


Detects loading times that need improvements


Boost the growth of your e-commerce site


Identifies vulnerabilities that need to be fixed for optimal security

Free service

Free service

Immediate results

Immediate results

Detailed reporting

Detailed reporting

For the security?

For security, just entering your website's URL is not enough.

To enable a deep analysis from inside your PrestaShop,

it is necessary to install the PrestaScan Security module.

  • File security analysis
  • Detection of vulnerable modules
  • List of core vulnerabilities